The Benefits of Hiring a Tilt Tray Truck for Your Business

Are you one who manages, transports, and deals with heavy items on a daily basis? If this is the case, investing in a tilt tray truck will be highly advantageous for you. 

As the name implies, a tilt tray truck is equipped with a movable tray that may be angled. The vehicle’s ultimate goal is to make it easier to transport large and oversized goods. Essentially, if you have cargo that is difficult to lift from the ground and load into a typical flatbed tow truck, the best thing to do is to hire a tilt truck. 

With that said, below are some of the top ways tilt tray trucks can help you in your business: 

1. Tilt trucks make it easier for you to load your items.

Since it has a flatbed that tilts, this type of vehicle can accommodate all kinds of heavy items, materials, and even cars. Two of the most common objects that get transported through these vehicles include shipping containers and heavy machinery. 

Its tray can be tilted at a specific angle, allowing easy access since it can conveniently be positioned directly on the ground. Ultimately, the mechanism of a tilt tray truck eliminates the need for users to rely on booms or cranes to move large or heavy items. Furthermore, due to the hydraulic system that is installed beneath them, tilt trays operate smoothly. 

The hydraulic mechanism that runs underneath all tilt trays enables seamless tilting and sliding of the tray’s enormous size. And once it is properly loaded, all that is required is a single push of a button to flatten the truck bed. After this, you may drive the tilt tray truck away safely. Therefore, you will not expect too much hassle when working with this vehicle. 

2. Tilt trucks allow safer loading and transporting of objects. 

People who operate tilt trays undergo extensive training since these trucks are large vehicles that can cause significant damage if not correctly managed. Therefore, you can be confident that only specialists who have been taught and assessed will be authorised to handle tilt trays.

Not only can you rely on the personnel who operate these vehicles, but you can also trust tilt tray trucks themselves. Using a truck of this type implies that heavy and large items will be loaded into the vehicle and transported to their destination without difficulty.

Most importantly, you will not have to worry about rough terrains, faulty hooks, and unequal weight distribution when working with these vehicles. You may rest assured that your objects will remain fixed and secure on a flatbed. 

3. Tilt trucks can be used for different reasons.

When working on a building site, transporting a damaged vehicle, or relocating a container, a tilt tray truck will be of great use to you.

Overall, this type of truck can surely accommodate various shipping container sizes ranging from 6-foot to 40-foot. Moreover, it can transport equipment weighing up to ten tons from one location to another without difficulty.  

4. Tilt tray trucks allow fast transportation. 

Besides the ease of loading and transportation, these vehicles can also boost the efficiency of your business. When it comes to getting a car ready for shipment, tilt tray trucks are the fastest option no matter where it is parked. There is no requirement for your vehicle to be moved or manoeuvred in a specific manner in order for it to be towed properly. 

Without going into more detail, you can operate tilt tray trucks by first parking in front of the load, accurately angling the tray, unwinding the winch, hooking the load, loading the objects, sliding the tray back to its original position, and transporting the objects. 

5. Tilt tray trucks can be affordable. 

Due to the nature of their functioning, Tilt tray trucks may be slightly more expensive than tow trucks in many cases. However, they can easily be the most cost-effective alternative when considering all of the advantages they provide. 

With a tilt tray truck, loads that are heavier and larger in size can be moved from one location to another in a single trip, lowering your transportation expenditures. The vehicle can also be used to transport loads that are not suitable for typical towing methods, which eliminates the need to acquire or lease specialised vehicles for the purpose of transportation.

With everything we mentioned above, you should be convinced that hiring a tilt tray truck is cost-effective, efficient, and convenient. These trucks may be the best solution for all of your towing and transport needs. Therefore, the next step is to contact a reputable and reliable tilt tray truck company in Australia.

How you can find a dependable tilt tray truck company in Australia

A tilt tray transport firm will assist you in meeting your transportation needs. They provide highly trained employees who know how to correctly load and unload various pieces of equipment into and out of the truck. Since this job requires a high set of skills and knowledge, looking for the best Bunbury tilt tray company is crucial. 

Reef Group has a team with more than 40 years of combined industry knowledge and competence, and we have extensive experience in handling a wide range of cargo types with care and precision. You can rely on us to handle the transportation of a wide range of big equipment and containers on your behalf. Our team can arrange for the transport and shipment of containers and bulky equipment to and from virtually any location in the country. Most importantly, our tilt tray service is extremely reasonably priced, with pricing starting at only $95 per hour for basic services.